6 – Review PDS – 2

You should have adhered to the PDS throughout the Embodiement Design Phase, go through the same steps as you did last time to ensure you’re still keeping to the same definitions and regulations.  It’s particularly important to go through the Standards and Specifications section to ensure your product is certified before you move onto the Detail Design stage.  If it isn’t, you need to revise you concept to make sure it covers the relevant fields.

You shouldn’t need to check through the customer requirements from the QFD and Market Review at this stage.  If you’ve been compiling and updating the PDS at each stage it should encompass all of those requirements.  You will check back to the original brief later in the Detail Design stage.

Read through the current revison of the PDS and ensure your design conforms to it.  Remember it is a dynamic document. This means it should have changed throughout the project.

Remember to highlight the changes.

Product will be manufactured on-site using OEM mechanical fixings.
This might be the PDS wording was originally written, Revision 1
Product will be manufactured on-site using OEM mechanical fixings assembled in accordance with BS7776 (Rev2).
This maybe the PDS wording in Revision 2. The Standards and Specifications section (references) will also need updating to include the full title of BS7776

Table1 – Revised PDS wording example.

You should not be making drastic changes, generally you will add to the document, as stated in the Form PDS section “by the end of the project, the PDS will describe in writing the product to be manufactured and marketed” (Dieter and Schmidt 2009: 111).

When you have fully reviewed your PDS, you may move onto the next section.

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